The EU and nutrition & obesity

The European scientific community is one of the key actors in the fight against obesity and is working hard in this area to find solutions to the emerging health problems.

The European scientific community, one of the key actors in the fight against obesity that EUFIC is pleased to support in its capacity as a dissemination partner, is working hard in this area to find solutions to the emerging health problems. In the last few years, advances in basic research have increased our understanding of the body weight control system at the molecular level, paving the way for new methods of obesity control. However, many aspects of energy metabolism and of the functions of the adipose organ which is a key player in the general metabolic regulation still need to be further understood.

Although influenced by genetic traits, the current obesity epidemic is strongly caused by environmental factors such as lifestyles, diet and physical activity. There is a need of more knowledge on the precise factors that promote obesity. A better knowledge of them will provide the basis for preventive public health measure to efficiently counteract the increasing prevalence of obesity.

A total of 10 projects have been funded by DG RESEARCH of the European Commission in both the Framework 5 and 6 Programmes (FP), resulting in an EU contribution of